Friday, August 7, 2015

It's warm out.

Flowering Ruby by b-skipper
Wishing on the Ordinary by manillalu

I suppose I could, if I so wished, make a long, articulate, and impassioned speech about the planet getting warmer, but I'm a bit over-politicked at the moment. Just enjoy these blissful scenes of warmth and try not to think of the implications of the planet's frighteningly fast climate shift.
Heat by Dinabelenko

If you're anything like me, you will fail. And that's good. Because it's actually an issue that needs working on.

By Wayne Thieaud
A waterlily and a dragonfly by natarielka
by MartaCanovasArt
Source: {x}
The Lady of the Lake by WildPencil
Model: me!

Yeah, OK, I cheated. I forced you to think about it. I'm sorry, but it's kind of crucial.

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